Save the forest, save the world !
Par Gnome, lundi 19 mars 2007 à 09:41 :: globalwarming awareness2007 :: #28 :: rss
Yesterday, the gnome was making the turn of the forest and he saw that the trees were cut by men ! And the Globalwarming !
The gnomes like the nature, so they are against the Global warming and againt deforestation !

Forests can extract carbon dioxide and pollutants from the air, thus contributing to biosphere stability and probably relevant to the greenhouse effect... My Team was against this perverse effect !
A small help for your action against Global warming :
Globalwarming Awareness2007 directory
Globalwarming Awareness2007 directory
Globalwarming Awareness2007 directory
Retain that: save the forest, save the world !

Forests can extract carbon dioxide and pollutants from the air, thus contributing to biosphere stability and probably relevant to the greenhouse effect... My Team was against this perverse effect !
A small help for your action against Global warming :
Globalwarming Awareness2007 directory
Globalwarming Awareness2007 directory
Globalwarming Awareness2007 directory
Retain that: save the forest, save the world !
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