I go tou the paquebot hard (Free adaptation of the croisiered is funny with love boat)
Par Lurch, mardi 6 février 2007 à 00:39 :: globalwarming awareness2007 :: #14 :: rss
Exciting and New
Come aboard, we're expecting yoooooooooooooooooou
and laaaaaaaooooove
Life's sweetest rewooouuaaaard
Let it flow
It flows back to yoooooooou
The Looooooooove Boat
Soon we'll be making another run
The Looooooooooove Boaaaaatt
promises something for everyone
Set a course for adventure,
your mind on a new romance,
And Laaaaaaaoooooooooove
won't hurt anymore
it's an open smile
on a friendly shore
It's Looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooove
Welcome aboard it's loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooove
So ! Vell !
The title of this episode is :
The ultimate globalwarming string in a love boat

Story board : In sunday, a day with a nice sun lavage without calcaire, YvY Brittany put these lovely mimines in the vaissell's water (normaly : se's not a blond girl and she have a big box of sun lavage... What you want she make with that ?? Some craquotted ?? Nooooo ! She's a love boat washing girl !).
At this moment, the captain, Gavin XavLeod is occuped to vomit out the board of love boat (he have a bad mal of the sea sex and sun).
At this moment, the lovin' barman, Ced Lange is occuped to work at... nothing (it is the must for him) and is walking on the secnd pont of the love boat. But... Ced in just under the superior pont when the captain vomit and... Oh my gode ! The captain vomit on the barman !!! .
And, very degoutted, Ced the big stick rabbit barman, vomit and prout in the sea (and is here that the spectator comprened the theme of this episode : the sea pollution !)
The rest of this story is very banaled : bisouilles, loving tender, crapouilled and a mystery string egared on the floor...
But this TV story have a happy and anybody go married and that's is termined in a big downblouse with gang bang but is censured.
1. Le mardi 6 février 2007 à 01:57, par Xavfun
2. Le mardi 6 février 2007 à 23:11, par Dievochka
3. Le mercredi 7 février 2007 à 00:44, par Ced
4. Le mercredi 7 février 2007 à 03:15, par Lurch Game Over
5. Le mercredi 7 février 2007 à 10:31, par Dievochka
6. Le mercredi 7 février 2007 à 11:07, par Lurch Vador
7. Le mercredi 7 février 2007 à 15:44, par Dievochka
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